

A summary schematic diagram illustrating the role of GRP78 in the progression of colon cancer cells.

GRP78 mediated the cancer cells proliferation activity in vitro and in vivo systems.

  1. Intermediate GRP78 expression in normal colonic epithelium. b High GRP78 expression in primary colonic adenocarcinoma. c Intermediate GRP78 expression in metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma in a lymph node. High-grade colonic adenocarcinoma (e) tended to have weaker GRP78 expression than low-grade colonic adenocarcinoma (d).

Kaplan–Meier analysis for the influence of miR-92a (A), PTEN (B), E-cadherin (C), and miR-92a/PTEN combinations (D) in  
overall survival (OS) of CRC patients


Heat map showed up- and downregulated genes in oxaliplatin-resistant colon cancer.